Interview for KLIX

In a conversation with director of ZOI'84, Nevres Alispahić said that last night, one hour after midnight, the trail was ideal.

“In spite of that, some of the employees had to “repair something”, and they just made it worse. BX ski lift cable was cut off, which caused the potentiometer to break, but now it's repaired.” The first day was the worst,” said Alispahić.

He pointed out that the police had done their job and took statements from the staff.

“We will also undertake measures under our authority against certain individuals. We apologize once again to all users and to the citizens of the Sarajevo Canton,” said the director of ZOI'84, adding that today citizens are able to have a FREE panorama ride on the six seated chairlifts.


Notice for skiers

We are letting our dear customers know that the DAILY SKI PASS will be 20 KM (unique price both for adults and children), until the official start of the winter season. All other prices are according to the valid price list for 2018/2019, including night skiing.

Intervju za KLIX

U razgovoru za direktor ZOI'84 Nevres Alispahić je kazao da su sinoć jedan sat iza ponoći staze bile idealne.

“Upkos tome, nekim uposlenicima je ‘došlo nešto’ da popravljaju, a samo su napravili gore. Prekinut je kabl na BX liftu koji je prouzrokovao da se pokvare potenciometri, ali sada se to popravlja. Propao je prvi dan što je najgore”, rekao je Alispahić.

On je istakao da je policija odradila svoj posao i uzela izjave od uposlenika.

“I mi ćemo u sklopu svojih nadležnosti poduzeti mjere protiv određenih osoba. Još jednom se izvinjavamo svim našim korisnicima i građanima Kantona Sarajevo”, poručio je direktor preduzeća ZOI'84 koji je dodao da je građanima ipak danas omogućena besplatna panoramska vožnja šestosjedom.


Obavještenje skijašima

Obavještavamo cijenjene korisnike naših usluga da će DNEVNA KARTA do zvaničnog početka zimske sezone (15.12.2018.g.) iznositi 20 KM, jedinstvena cijena (i za odrasle i za djecu), dok su sve ostale cijene po važećem cjenovniku za 2018/2019 uključujući i noćno skijanje.